Summer Fishing Camps on Virginia's Northern Neck

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  • Youth Fishing Camps -
  • Youth Fishing Camps -
  • Youth Fishing Camps -
  • Youth Fishing Camps -
  • Youth Fishing Camps -

2025 Fishing Camp Schedule 


    Kayak Camps (6 campers per session) 

    June 1-2; June 16-17; June 30-July 1; July 21-22 

    Boat Camps (4 campers per session):   

    June 9-10, June 23-24, July 7-8, July 28-29, Aug. 3-4 

    Times: 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.

    Where: White Stone, VA area 

    Ages: 5th-8th graders (Rising Fall 2025.)

    Tuition: $325.00*. Includes T-Shirt and Basic Lure Kit.

    Kayak Camp enrollment is limited to six (6) campers per session and Boat Camp is limited to four (4) campers per session to ensure a safe and quality experience. 

    Sibling/Family/Friend groups welcomed and encouraged. Email for details and registration form.

    *Make checks payable to: CD Outdoors LL, PO Box 12, Irvington VA 22480. Prices stated above reflect cash/check discount. Credit cards accepted online with processing fees applied. 

    Price: $325.00
      Points to Purchase:32500


      Fish Fun & Paddle Fast!

      Now entering its 17th season, Capt. C. Dollar’s “Chesapeake Fishing Camps” teaches middle-school aged girls and boys
      the basics of sport fishing. Campers will also learn about Chesapeake Bay ecology and the importance of healthy habitats and clean water. Campers will fish and crab from 20-foot center console and stable fishing kayaks.

      Kayak Camp is limited to six (6) campers per session and Boat Camp is limited to four (4) campers per session.
      Sibling-Family/Friend groups encouraged to enroll. 
      All equipment provided. No experience required. Tuition includes T-Shirt and Lure Kit, a $50 value. Email for details and registration form.

      Grades 5-8, boys and girls. No experience required.